Saturday, May 15, 2010

Liberals ruin ketchup......seriously.

The latest nanny state super stupid fixation is salt. Well, someone at Heinz is a big enough liberal to want to help the cause more than they want to sell ketchup so they are now sporting one of those shirts that say "im with stupid ---->". Prepare to have an American icon destroyed for the liberal cause. Heinz is putting out "New Coke"...uh i mean "New Ketchup" to be an example that food must taste like ass in the new liberal world. now suck. Get on the truck with Specter, Crist, and Bloomberg...its time for you to hit the road.

Hot Air's whole piece HERE

clipped from

By the time the H. J. Heinz Company is finished remaking its world-famous ketchup to comply with Michael Bloomberg’s National Salt Reduction Initiative, you may not recognize the product.

As reported last month, Heinz is one of 16 national food manufacturers and food service vendors that has knuckled under to pressure from the New York City mayor to reduce the salt content in their products by 25 percent.

Heinz Ketchup is more than a condiment. It’s an icon. Despite assurances from spokerspersons at the Pittsburgh-based company that the new recipe will be as popular as the original, some things are not meant to be tampered with. I suspect many Americans share my fear that when all is said and done, Heinz will have converted its much-beloved ketchup to just another catsup.

Thanks to pressure from Michael Bloomberg, Heinz is changing its recipe for its famous ketchup.
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